Friday, June 21, 2013

Spotlight on Dads: A Little Q&A!

I asked my husband, Rob, a few weeks ago if he would mind “guest blogging” for Father’s Day.  At first he said “NO”. Plain and simple.  I did, however, talk him into doing this little questionnaire that I made up. J He spent a lot of time on his answers so they’d be just right.  I think they are awesome.  I know he put a lot of thought into it.  Not to spoil it, but you’ll read that our son is the only baby he’s really ever been around.  He is so good with our boy; he’s a natural.  From the day my son was born, Daddy has been on point.  I couldn’t be any happier with my husband, and he couldn't be any more in love with our little boy.  They are best buds for sure. 

p.s. Rob nicknamed our son the “Grumpkin” when he was a teeny tot. Grumpkin is 6.5 months old. J

As a new dad…

What has been the most unexpected thing for you?
I had never been around babies until my son was born. Never even held a baby before him.  I really thought I would be lost, but I think I’m doing ok.

What has been the most challenging thing for you?
The most challenging thing for me I think is two fold. There are times when I am on the verge of losing my temper and I just have to squash it cuz I know he is watching and I really don't want him to think the things I know are wrong with myself are the right way to be or the right way to act. The other is time management. Time just feels like a commodity you don't have enough of.

What is your favorite cloth diaper? Why? What is your least favorite? Why?
OsoCozys are easy but they seem like they leak easy if they aren’t on just right. Prefolds are a pain in the ass. I like the ones that you stuff with microfiber even though I hate touching microfiber. Those ones seem to be the best at keeping the mess under control.

What has been your favorite moment so far with the Grumpkin?
I wouldn’t say one but every afternoon when I get off work and I come home, when he first sees me he gets excited and wants to get picked up. Just seeing him light up like that is my favorite moment.

How do you think you have changed since Grumpkin was born?
I lost my dad the year before my son was born and it made me really think about how much time I have. I want to make everything I do, and all the time I spend with him count because what there is is all there will ever be. I don't want things to be left unsaid. I don't want things to be undone. And I don't ever want my boy to ever doubt how much I love him.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Get up. Get the baby ready for his day. Go to work. Come home. Spend time with the family. Maybe mess with the computer or play xBox for an hour after the baby goes to bed. Rinse repeat.

­About your son…

What do you think his first word be?
I don't know but my guess would be something out of the ordinary

Which of his toys is YOUR favorite?
Brobee. I forgot I’m still hungry!

What are his top 3 all time favs (everything counts!)?
Mommy, Daddy, Yo Gabba Gabba

What are his top 3 DISLIKES?
Sleeping through the night. Cold milk. The vacuum cleaner.

…. And closing statement(s)?
Go Ravens!
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