The theme for this year's World Breastfeeding Week is "Breastfeeding Support: Close to Mothers".
Knowing your support network is key to surviving the rougher parts of parenting, and, let's all be honest, there are some rough parts! As with any aspect of being a parent, breastfeeding doesn't always come without it's rough patches. greenberries is a breastfeeding friendly business, and a safe and comfortable environment to sit down and nurse your nurslings or learn a good carrier hold for nursing in. What are some of your other local and national resources for breastfeeding?
1. La Leche League: an international organization with support and information, online and in meetings led by experienced Leaders. Find out more about your local groups here!
2. Is this normal? What now? Need some facts, have some questions, looking for help on a particular breastfeeding topic? is a fantastic resource! like a huge collection of FAQ's on breastfeeding, no holds barred.
3. Are you a visual learner? I am! These videos are brilliant. Not only are they very detailed, accurate, and encouraging, they are so easy to learn from. Stanford really comes through in this series of breastfeeding educational videos.
4. In need of human milk for your bottle-fed baby? Pumping mama in need of freezer space? There are SO many resources out there! Human Milk for Human Babies, Eats on Feets, Modern Milksharing are just a FEW of the ways to getting milk to babies who need it.
I know that's just four and there are so many more! Share in the comments some of your favorite resources, and let's keep supporting mamas who feed babies, wherever, whenever, however.
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